Con i nostri "yellow metals" supportiamo in nostri Clienti impegnati negli ambiti Aeronautico, Spazio e Difesa, Navale, Energia, Oil & Gas, Alta Velocità.
Le nostre leghe rame sono impiegate in un ampia gamma di applicazioni: cuscinetti, bussole, componenti per carrelli di atterraggio e sistemi idraulici, impianti in ambiente marino e off-shore, steli per valvole e alberi per pompe, bulloneria speciale, giranti.
CuNi14Al2 - CuNi14Al3 - 2.1504 - NFL14702 - C72400 - Cupro Nickel Aluminum,
CuAl11Ni5Fe5 - NFL14706 - C63020 - AMS 4590 - Aluminum Bronze,
CuAl10Ni5Fe4 - NFL14705 - C63000 - AMS 4640 - ASTM B150 - Aluminum Bronze,
CuNi2Si - CuNi3Si - C64700 - Nickel Silicon Bronze,
CuSi3Fe2Zn3 - C65620 - AMS 4616 - Silicon Bronze
☞ find out AFT's material plan year 2023 ☜
Mostly aerospace market is served by our yellow metals.
With grades like CuNi14Al2 / CuNi14Al3, 2.1504, NFL 14702, C63000, AMS 4640, NFL14705, C63020, NFL 14706, AMS 4590 we supply worldwide tiers 1, tiers 2 and several other minor subcontractors involved into various major civil, freighter, military aircrafts programs of the leading OEMs in the world.
Our long term business with such high-end Companies witnesses how our outstanding service is at the cutting edge of the market.
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Note: products type is strictly depending from grade;
please check details of each grade for product capability & availability
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